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ED3D Galaxy Map - Elite: Dangerous API

About Flat Galaxy Society
Flat Galaxy Society was founded by war-weary and politically savvy Commanders who wanted to change galactic politics in the core bubble. The search for a suitable system was long and hard but we finally settled on HR 2926. Most of the founding Commanders were Alliance or Independently aligned and democratically leaning and so the Alliance Democracy of the Flat Galaxy Society was born with the aim of spreading democracy and the Alliance philosophy of freedom and respect for independence to the edge of the bubble. After incredible success in promoting our independent democratic friends throughout the region and pushing a large number of systems into democratic control, FGS members now feel the time is right to promote wider democracy and cooperation under our own faction, the Flat Galaxy Society, an Alliance democracy. Our primary focus will be on promoting and expanding our faction throughout the region, securing trade routes, mining locations, shipyards and other facilities in neutral territories. Currently serving up a hot plate of democracy to over 43 billion!
We also run social events including Arena sessions and Eagle racing and offer help and guidance to new commanders looking to make their way in a hostile galaxy. And most importantly they promote the belief that the galaxy is flat (FSV of flat) as confirmed by their leader, the Invisible Pink Unicorn (current whereabouts unknown).
FGS welcomes all career paths among pilots in their ranks with the exception of unprovoked aggression against other Pilots' Federation members.

What do we Do?

Operating out of our Discord, Flat Galaxy Society has had the privilege of taking part in all kinds of activities and community lead projects throughout the history of Elite Dangerous since the groups founding. Due to the community nature of the group, individuals participate in events like powerplay, background simulation, exploration expeditions, and community goals.
Our largest and longest active project that we have taken part in as a group is the support and growth of our minor faction in game. Flat Galaxy Society's Alliance democracy in elite dangerous has grown and matured along side its members. If you are looking to learn BGS, support democracy, or just looking for a community of Elite players to call home, we are your group. This project in particular has been built to cater to all types of player & careers that commanders may find themselves already enjoying.
Where to find us..
HR 2926 is our home system, we also hold a couple dozen or more systems where you can find us in game & call home!
Our Squadron in game:
right hand panel > Squadrons > Search 'flat' > Flat Galaxy Society > Apply
Discord Information: To become a Believer join here: https://discord.gg/3aXjnY6


Elite Dangerous Galactic Mapping ProjectMapping

Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map


The Galactic Mapping Project is the oldest community project in Elite Dangerous - founded on February 19th 2015, in the wake of the Distant Suns expedition. Although the project is not officially recognised by Frontier, they have on occasions used some of the information collated within the GMP, and implemented it into the game. Galactic map key binding so recently i had to uninstall and reinstall elite dangerous before i did the 'M' and 'N' keys would open the galaxy map and system map. But after reinstalling it these keys no longer do anything and i cant find and option to bind these keys in the controls. Im probobly just blind and cant see it but if it is in there. The French Arm stretches “upwards” from Sol towards Galactic North, ending at the orange giant star Arcturus. The American and Chinese Arms share the same beginning, but split off so that the American Arm heads Coreward/Spinward while the Chinese Arm sprawls around the (galactic) southern part of the solar neighbourhood. This is a web app for players of the space-faring game Elite Dangerous, in which players may travel across our galaxy, seeing nebulae, black holes and other galactic wonders. Using this app, players can enter their starting point and destination and receive a list of suggestions of galactic points of interest to visit near to their intended route. Nov 15, 2020 Open project for a 3D Galactic Map to be use on web application for Elite: Dangerous. API,Visualization,Coords,Exploration Biobob Updated: Jan 23, 2016 6.